Saturday, May 19, 2018

common sense trump

    I really don't understand why so many people in media are so deranged about what president trump is saying on various subjects.
    As a middle man (or, if i would listen to liberalism sheet, i would say "person") in a former communist country in europe, i find all the comments made by president trump are just common sense!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

20 pins power source instead a 24 pins one

    Can i use a 20 pins power supply instead a 24 pins one?

    Yes, i can. Tested by me and working good! But: i have no graphic card, no sound card, no.... . All I have in my PC are 2 hdd, and a dvd writer, a week and old amd 2.6GHz processor. The 20 pins power supply must have enough juice to serve your pc needs. If you have a lot of extra's or your pc is configured for gaming then a 20 pins power source might not work!