Tuesday, October 20, 2020

huawei hg655b hg658 firmware

Update; I was able to do NAT on these things but with OpenWrt firmware version 19 (latest at this time-oct 2020).

 I have a link for the two little fuckers firmware: hg655b and hg658.

Altough these are shitty chinese routers and you cannot open 443, 80 and such ports, nor can do NAT on them, at least  these things are functioning. You can even use them on pppoe connections via lan1 port (ethernet). WiFi signal is good, and the routers are fairly stable.

 For using them on pppoe connections ( uplink WAN to ethernet port of LAN1) you can find instructions on the net.

In the archive there are more than one firmware per router. Use what you like, but maintain corespondence between firmware and coresponding router model.

Link is HERE.

But, i do NOT recomend using HG655B with shitty chinese firmaware. This router is functioning very good with openwrt and is very good for a small vpn.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

huawei shit hg655b port forward on firmware 25

 N-are rost sa te chinuiesti sa faci port forward pe rahatul asta chinezesc (versiunea de firmware schimbata la 25 si functionand pppoe pe portul lan1). Verificarea online a porturilor 22, 443 si 80 spune ca sunt deschise, dar degeaba, traficul nu ajunge la servere.

Probabil ca cacatul asta chinezesc malformeaza pachetele tcp intr-un fel. Pe forumul softpedia mai e cineva care a avut aceeasi problema. (aici).

Sa ma cac pe chinezii vostrii cu rahaturile vostre cu tot.

In schimb, routerul asta merge excelent cu openWRT, ba chiar poti face un vpn pe cinste!