Tuesday, September 24, 2019
phpmyadmin Failed to set session cookie. Maybe you are using HTTP instead of HTTPS
Header edit Set-Cookie ^(.*)$ $1;HttpOnly;Secure
Of course, the above line instructs apache server to accept cookies only for https protocol requests, but my phpmyadmin was on localhost outside the virtual server for secure domain.
After disabling that directive, phpmyadmin started to work properly again!
More secure were if i would have been moved the entire phpmyadmin directory to a sub-directory in my secure domain, but, hey, nothing is perfect!
Hope this help somebody-sometime!
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
waste ink pad resetter epson l210 l220 l110 l130 l310 l360 l365 l300 l350 l355 canon mp250
Tested personally for mp250 and L210 and working.
No keys required.
Archives password are : reset
for both archives.
Hope it will be usefull for somebody!
The link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zQY0FEOkrlyOdGWCAUIWQgFRvOmJqJbz
Sunday, July 7, 2019
what are the french ?
In fact, the "french", "the dutch" etc are not anymore french or dutch or whatever. They are niggers, muslims, renegades from christianity, atheists, their women are not anymore theirs. "Fuck la France", there is not anymore a France on the map, there is an african country.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
great american presidents
- one of them was Barack Obama. GREAT was his ignorance.
- the second is Donald Trump. GREAT is his Presidency.
The end.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
block ads at router level
Hello. After i put online my dns blackhole i have 2 more things to do. 1. Set up a https local proxy for my dns for using dns over https and 2. try to find if is possible to set up a basic adblock at router level.
It turned up that task nr. 2 is very easy. All you have to do is accessing your router interface (mine is tp-link) and use parental control or access control menu. I used Access Control menu. You have to enable Internet Access Control first. Default filter policy must be "disable the packets.....". Then you use Add New button to add a new rule. For every rule there will be 4 hosts you can block - at least with my router make. For every rule you can add up to 4 host to block and, guess what, those 4 host will be sites and domains that serves adds. After you name the rule and added hosts to block you must use Save button. I didn't tested how many rules i can have, all i have needed was to test if i can do that.
It's up to you to create how many rules you want and add hosts for every rule.
Search for most major domains that serves adds and block those dommains.
The main advantages using this method is that is working with every device connected to that specific router and you get rid of tracking cookies served by blocked domains.
The main cons with this method is that you cannot set too many rules because a router has a limited memory capacity.
If you want more rules or blocked domains appart for what Access Control can offer, you can use Parental control menu in router interface.
So far, most reliable and simple method for blocking ads is to use an addon like "NoScript" in combination with ublock or other ads blocker. NoScript addon is a must for efficient ads block.
Monday, April 22, 2019
dns blackhole with bind nameserver
If you don't want to buy a new machine only for setting ap an adblocker you can use your own machine and a personal dns server. Read the following, is very easy to do, nothing special complicated.
I use bind nameserver on linux but you can use whatever operating system, i think bind nameserver is running on windows too.
Nothing special here, we want to block some sites at DNS server level so to all apps running on machines using that specific dns server aren't capable of reaching those sites.
Appart from configuration files bundled with bind nameserver, you need only two more files and a little modification in named.conf file.
In named.conf file add this at the end:
include "/etc/bind/blocked.conf.zones";
Create a new file in /etc/bind an name that file blocked.conf.zones
My blocked.conf.zones file is like this:
zone "pagead2.googlesyndication.com" { type master; notify no; file "/etc/bind/null.zone.file"; };
zone "googleadservices.com" { type master; notify no; file "/etc/bind/null.zone.file"; };
zone "myphonenumbers-pa.googleapis.com" { type master; notify no; file "/etc/bind/null.zone.file"; };
We need to create a new file in the same directory /etc/bind. Name that file null.zone.file
My null.zone.file file is like this:
$TTL 600
@ 1D IN SOA localhost root (
42 ; serial
3H ; refresh
15M ; retry
1W ; expiry
1D ) ; minimum
1D IN NS @
5 IN A
; * IN A
And that's it! Nothing more, nothing less!
For every site you want to block you need to add a new line in blocked.conf.zones file, i.e. if you want to block adservices.com site you will have to add a new line and write
zone "adservices.com" { type master; notify no; file "/etc/bind/null.zone.file"; };
That's it!
If you want a large list with malicious sites you can search on duckduckgo, there's a lot of lists there!
One more step, don't forget to set your dns server to match your local dns server. (instead of or or other internet nameservers you have to use or localhost or whatever interface you are using in bind settings. Listen ports, net interfaces and access control list (i.e. who can use your dns server) - all these settings made for bind nameserver are up to you and must be configured by you - every machine has a specific environment. Fortunately, these settings are not complicated at all and you can do it after 5 minutes reading on internet.
Tested and working on entire LAN, for pc's and phones!@
Saturday, March 23, 2019
reclamatie confidentialitate melisa țolea
Am avut si eu un clip cu ea, de la un festival pentru copii din 2015, și am primit mailul privind blocarea videoclipului în România. Probabil că angajații de la youtube au considerat că melisa nu are destulă notorietate internațională, așa că în mail n-au specificat și alte țări unde videoclipul este blocat.
Din curiozitate, am căutat si am găsit pe youtube mai multe videoclipuri cu melisa blocate în urma aceleiași reclamații tip privind confidențialitatea.
Singura explicație pe care o găsesc este că melisei, sau persoanei care se ocupă de imaginea ei, pur și simplu nu i-a plăcut cum arăta sau cum cânta în acele clipuri - deoarece nu toate clipurile vechi sunt blocate.
În final, oricât ai bloca anumite clipuri vechi, tot așa cânți, nu devii mai bun, iar cei care te plac te plac indiferent cum ai cântat acum nu știu câți ani.