Saturday, June 20, 2020


    Hello my fellows americans from USA! Did you know that New York is racist?
I bet you didn't!
Now, let me tell you that great city of New York was founded by a bunch of slave owners, slave merchants, native people killers, drunken rapers from England, Holland and Slovakia and a few people from Transilvania ( you know, that vampires country!).

So, I sugest to you to begin IMEDIATLY the process of changing the name of the city! Instead of New York you should choose a better name, something nice and neutral, something like ... Stupid Monkeys Place would be a far better choice!

Oh, and i sugest to you to imediatly throw away, decapitate and demolish that french contraption named Statue Of Liberty. Did you know that french people of 1000 BC were cannibals and lived by eating black people from Greenland? I bet you didn't! So, beat the crap out of that Statue of LIberty, would you?
