How funny is so called "climate change" problem!
They are collecting, measuring, plotting and doctoring some 20-30 years of data, or even 50 years if they are courageous enough and then they are crying and screaming catastrophe.
Poor me, i was thinking that when you are talking about climate you are considering some thousands of years at least. 20 years or even a hundred years is about the Weather - not the climate.
And, of course, over the history of earth the climate was ever changing continuosly, this is not some stationary phenomenom who never changes! It's NORMAL to change.
The same about co2 (carbon dioxide) level in atmosphere. Some millions years ago this was about ten or even hundred times than actual levels, and yet, life was flourishing back then more than now.
All you can say about co2 levels right now is that they are too low! If they would be lower than this then you will have NO crops at all, no vegetation, no plants, no forests at all!
Plus, as i know, NOBODY has ever produced a really scientific proof that co2 is the main component involved in climate change or how is afecting the climate. The main factor here is the Sun. Other factors are geological, marines, astronomicals etc etc... There is nobody and will never be, there will be forever an impossible task to predict the life and the energy flow of an entire planet, at least for more ten tousands years from now.... and maybe then the scrientists will be more honest.....
For now, what is for sure is this illusion of climate change is made off and is used for taxation, for squeezing more money from tax payers, and you guess where that money are heading.... All is a big hypocrite lie.....