I had this errror, 4032 on shaka player, category 4 (although i do not remember exact number for category), on firefox/android 7
This was for an vp9 encoded video with an opus audio stream and webm for container.
After i read the documentation (https://shaka-player-demo.appspot.com/docs/api/shaka.util.Error.html) i understand that this is related to firefox unable to decode the vp9 stream. This is interesting because according to mozilla team, vp9 is suported in firefox android since android 4.
There is a link provided by shaka player team where you can check your browser support for various codecs and containers: https://shaka-player-demo.appspot.com/support.html
Indeed, according to that link, my Firefox/android 7 do not support vp9 in webm container.
But, i opened the vp9 coded video with firefox/android 7 by accessing the direct url of video and the video is playing just fine, so i think that shaka player has an incorect list.
I changed the mpd manifest and i replaced vp9.... codecs occurencies with just "vp8". I did not change the codec of the video served (still vp9, only the manifest says is vp8).
That's it, all is working fine now!