Thursday, March 6, 2025

televizorul este pentru tampiti si retardati mental

 sunt cam 9-10 ani de cand am aruncat televizorul la gunoi si in fiecare an ma gandesc ca asta ar trebui sa fie sarbatoare nationala de fapt. 

 daca stai sa te gandesti bine, tot ce te-ar putea interesa la tv se gaseste pe internet. in plus, daca esti motivat poti vedea chestiile respective si fara reclame! 

 televiziunea a ajuns o ghena de gunoi uriasa, un spectacol monstruos care introduce toti dezaxatii, tampitii si retardatii mintal unei audiente care nu poate sa fie decat asemanatoare cu personajele tv daca poate sa suporte sa se uite/asculte la asa ceva.


block amazon, ovh and digital ocean

for 3 of small web servers i manage i have blocked all ips from amazon aws, ovh, digital ocean and contabo. that's about 92 millions ip's.

the block is running easy and fast, without any performance issues, with ipsets of type hash:net on a 15 year old processor.

first day after this block: 

 -spam, scans and all sorts of malicious activities against web sites or web services droped about 85 %.

my servers are located in romania, eu. //

these are small servers but still, every minute there are more than 30  tcp/udp blocked packets.

by the way, worst scammers and hosting companies in eu are from dutch, german and france teritories.  i still think how to block these contries from accessing my servers.