Monday, December 10, 2018

WudfRd.sys blue screen error solved easy

    Another blue screen error solved! One of the message was SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION STOP 0×0000003B WudfRd.sys, restarted the pc and this time the message was DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL STOP 0×000000D1 WudfRd.sys.
    Ok, i know for sure my windows 10 is good. I shut down the pc, remove ram modules,reset bios, putback the ram's in a different order, start the pc and... everything is good now!
    Also, after bios reset you can try to start the pc with only one of ram module inserted at a time for to verify if that partticular module is good!
    Hope  this post will help you!

Monday, December 3, 2018

asrock motherboard slow boot solved

    Lately i have repaired a pc with an old asrock mainboard and a combination of sata and ide hard disks!
    Boot process was painfully slow, about 2 minutes to reach the os bootloader! Have to say that os is booting from ide hdd and the IDE hard disk was single and master on the ribbon connector!
    The problem was that the hdd jumper was set on "master with slave present" pair of pins!
    After i completly removed the jumper from hdd, boot process was returned to normal again, and i think that slowliness on boot was because the BIOS  searching  in vain for a slave on the ide ribbon.
    I hope this information help you - in case you still have IDE hdd coupled on asrock mainboard!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

microsoft edge

 Microsoft Edge este aplicatia de navigare pe internet intalnita in windows 10.
 Scurt pe doi: nu ma asteptam sa functioneze asa de rapid si de bine. In plus, poti instala, la fel ca in firefox si chrome, suplimente pentru blocarea reclamelor, iti poti sincroniza setarile intre dispozitive etc...
 Decat sa folosesti rahatul de Chrome Browser, produs de cea mai mare companie de spionaj de pe, mai bine folosesti Firefox sau Edge. Edge functioneaza mai rapid decat firefox.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

clonezilla unknown partition table format error

 I had this error while i was trying to clone an old hdd. None of the solutions found on the net worked.
  The solution that worked was to repair entirely the boot sector of the disk using an windows install dvd and entering the command line.
  I used the following commands:

 bootrec /fixmbr

 bootsect /nt60 sys /force /mbr

 bcdboot c:\windows

 select disk 0
 list partition
 select partition x

 (where partition x is the partition with windows os installed)
edit: if that's not working for you, then you need to verify/modify the partition table, something wrong is there.

 you can download/read a pdf file from HERE  and you will find how to safe verify/modify a partition table.

Monday, July 2, 2018

catelusi, pisici, cacati in iarba etc....

    Ce specimene de idioți sunt unii, ca de exemplu un vecin de-al meu, pensionar degeaba! :)
    Cu câtă dezamăgire față de educația mea mă privește ori de câte ori dau de mâncare la cățeii și pisicile de pe lângă bloc! Ce privire stranie, parcă rătăcită în delir are în momentele astea....
    Și de câte ori nu m-a pândit ca să mă prindă în "flagrant"! :)
    Schimbul de păreri a fost scurt: el: - de ce să dai mâncare animalelor, nu vezi că vin și-și fac nevoile în iarbă? eu: - mă doare-n cur . el: - vai, vai....
    Dracu știe dacă căcații ăia ai lui sunt imaginari, așa cum visează, de exemplu, despre bande de tineri care fac sex pe banca de sub fereastra lui toată noaptea, încât a doua zi, cu ochii cârpiți de somn, povestește delirant despre fete de 12 ani și băieți de 20 și ceva care s-au futut toată noaptea....
    De altfel, chiar dacă ar fi așa cu căcații animalelor, nu mi-ar păsa.. Oricum, căcații câinilor și pisicilor din iarbă se descompun în mod natural, nu se observă, pentru că nimănui nu-i trece prin cap să meargă prin iarba de lângă bloc în loc de alei, și oricum nici nu se compară, de exemplu, cu invazia de melci scârboși, din ăia fără cochilie, pe care nici păsările nu-i mănâncă de scârbă....
    Oricum, motivul cu căcații din iarbă e stupid. Am dat de câteva ori mâncare animalelor când era și el de față dar, în alt loc, departe de blocul nostru, chiar lângă alt bloc. Cum m-am așteptat, avea aceeași privire prevestitoare a unui atac de cord sau acces de delir...
    Aici nu e vorba de căcații din iarba de sub fereastra lui, aici e vorba de ură, de a nu avea loc sub soare decât el și universul lui, e vorba de sărăcie și uscăciune sufletească, de aceea nu-mi pare rău că i-am replicat cu vorba "mă doare-n cur". I-am dat replica exact pe măsura sufletului său!

    Și când te gândești că în unele locuri câinii și pisicile sunt folosiți chiar la tratamentul oamenilor bolnavi din spitale! Oare ce-o crede el despre lucrul ăsta? Probabil își imaginează respectivele spitale ca fiind niste locuri pline de căcați, niste locuri de pierzanie dezgustătoare! :)

Saturday, May 19, 2018

common sense trump

    I really don't understand why so many people in media are so deranged about what president trump is saying on various subjects.
    As a middle man (or, if i would listen to liberalism sheet, i would say "person") in a former communist country in europe, i find all the comments made by president trump are just common sense!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

20 pins power source instead a 24 pins one

    Can i use a 20 pins power supply instead a 24 pins one?

    Yes, i can. Tested by me and working good! But: i have no graphic card, no sound card, no.... . All I have in my PC are 2 hdd, and a dvd writer, a week and old amd 2.6GHz processor. The 20 pins power supply must have enough juice to serve your pc needs. If you have a lot of extra's or your pc is configured for gaming then a 20 pins power source might not work!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

how i solved event id 41 windows error

     Hy! I had this error first time when i starded using a linksys wusb100 v2 usb wireless adaptor in conjuction with a windows 7 64b operating system.
    I installed the official drivers found on linksys cisco page.
    The wireless signal was fluctuating all the time with those drivers!
    After that,  the infamous event id 41 started to appear 2 or 3 times a day with computer restarting!
    I  set the computer to record a kernel dump file on error and opened that file with windows debugger (available for download freely). The error was there and was caused by rtwlanu.sys - a file used by linksys usb wireless driver.
    After many searches on the net, i found the driver for ralink wireless chipset used by linksys wusb100.
   Installed that driver from ralink and event id 41 error was gone!

   On another PC i had the same error but, this time, no kernel or memory dump file were recorded on the hard disk no matter the settings made for this job! Suddenly, the pc was restarting and the system was able to record that an event id 41 happened but no memory or kernel dump file was present! The operating system was clean, a good windows 7 64b!  Ram memory was good, hdd was good, the computer had the hibernate and sleep state disabled.
    After 2 or 3 weeks i discovered that this restart - event id 41 - was present when the computer was loaded with intense calculus tasks, such as converting hundreds of raw images to jpegs or gaming. So, this error had to do something in common with the electrical power used by processor.

     I replaced the power supply with a new one and... bang... the event id 41 dissapeared!

    vOILA!@ :)